American Girls |
American women may make Desperate Housewives, but that doesn’t mean they’re all hungering for sexual encounters. If a girl has a strong Catholic or conservative upbringing chances are she’ll want much more than something casual. In fact, people still get married very young in the southern states, around 19 and 20, and divorces at 23 or 24 are becoming more common.
Young people do like to ‘hook up’ especially at the bars and party scene. Different places attract different crowds by age and status, the working world does happy hours in the early evening and clubs and lounges at night. Clothes matter and you have to look go, smell good, and use hair care products. At the college bars it’s more open and friendly but everyone seems to know everyone already. Alcohol is a major factor everywhere.
American girls are easy compared to girls in other countries, except that they usually have more experience in knowing how to avoid the wrong type of guy. They expect to be treated as nothing less than equal, and often the only type of men capable of handling them in the long term are American guys.
Dating sites are a very popular way for couples to meet. Popular sites are match.com, eharmony.com, passiondates.com and the Roadjunky friends network. Facebook is the most popular social network for college and My Space is the non-college equivalent.
American Girls |
American Girls |
American Girls |
American Girls |
American Girls |
American Girls |
American Girls |
American Girls |
American Girls |
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